Youth of The Month
1. Full names and what you do? Julius Kamonjo Mwangi.
Working as a commercial agent.
2. When did you join the ACK St Peters Cathedral youth? July 2017
3. How do you like your meat cooked? Wet fry or choma.
4. Describe who Julius K. Mwangi is in a simple 10-word sentence? Simple person, I never give up in everything I do.
5. What is your favourite sport? Football.
6. Tell me about your journey all the way from hustling to where you are right now? I started as a caterer in a hotel in Nairobi then I left and started cooking chapati in the street. From there I started hawking at bus stations in Nairobi and lastly came in Nyeri where I work as an agent up to now.
7. What can you not do without? I'm addicted to mobile phone and movies.
8. What keeps you going or what’s your motivation after your long journey? I normally look where I started, where I am and where I would like to be. Comparing all these keeps me going.
9. What must you do on a daily basis before you start or end your day? (can be an activity). Before going to my daily activities I must pray and before I go to bed I must also pray.
10. Tell me about your passion for teaching? I used to be our class mathematics rep since form one to form four, term two and when I was showing them how to solve I was feeling that I'm doing what am supposed to be doing.
11. Favourite scripture? Philippians 4:4. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Regardless of what you are going through you should always be glad and thankful to the Lord for what He has made you achieve.
12. What do you feel needs to be changed or incorporated in our youth? We should try to strengthen our unity not only in church activities but also in everything that is affecting our youth members.
13. Your opinion about the youth service? It’s good although we should try to make it more youthful. We should try to make it livelier by adding more instruments so that we may attract more members to our service.
14. Do you love nature? Yes, I do.
15. Which animal(s) would you compare yourself to in terms of your character attributes? Buffalo. It is always determined to fight for what it knows belongs to it. It goes to rest after achieving what it was fighting for.
16. Message to the young energetic youth yet to know what is in store for them or what to expect in life? In everything you do always consider your future.
17. Are you engaged? Currently, I'm in a serious relationship.
18. Parting words you want to share? Never rely on your past but always consider your future since you can't change your past but you can perfect your future to cover your past.
Interviewed By: Eustace Muthui.
Youth of the Month: February 2019
Youth of the Month: January 2019
Youth of the Month: October 2018
Youth of the Month: August/September 2018
Youth of the Month: May 2018
Youth of the Month: Jan-April 2018
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