Youth of The Month
1. What is your full name and what do you do(school life)? My name is Dedan Chege, a child to Rev Arthur Maina and Zipporoah Nduta. I was born in Nakuru county. I started schooling at St. Mark Nursery School in Webuye, then we came to Eldoret where I joined Golden Gates Way Academy where I continued with my studies until the year 2009. In 20019 I joined Kabazi primary school in Nakuru county in class six, but due to unavoidable circumstances I was forced to repeat. I finally did my KCPE in the year 2012 and got 326 but I was forced to join a local school since my parents had not acquired enough money to take me to a good school; I joined UMOJA Secondary School in Subukia. GOD gave me favour since I was appointed as the School Chairperson, Maths club secretary and also I served as the School Dining Hall prefect and the school counselor (through the prefect body). After a period of four years in high school I did my KCSE and qualified to join DEDAN KIMATHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY to pursue Bachelor of commerce up to date.
2. What is your ministry more about (Explain about praise and worship, ministry of charity, aspiring and motivating others through your story)? I was baptized in ACK in Nakuru when I was still young. I have served in church as a Sunday school teacher and Teens Chairperson in ACK Emmanuel church in Subukia. I was confirmed at ACK St. Peters in Nyeri county and also graduated to a youth member in the same church. My great and main ministry in church is being in praise and worship team mostly as a keyboardist but I also sing; but mostly I love worship songs. I also like inspiring and motivating people, mostly the young people who may lack hope or give up. This is through my life history which have always been a sequence of miracles throughout.
3. The origin of ‘Auntie Dedo’? The name ‘Auntie Dedo’ is a nickname that I got from some of the youths in ACK St. Peters who used to say that I behave like a lady and also, I am too social with ladies. They could find me with a ladies’ purse and take photos. My worry is that the name has trended.
4. Your favorite color? My favorite color is blue.
5. I have seen a lot of passion for mother of all sounds (Keyboard)... I have great passion in playing Piano; I have been working out seriously to know how to play Piano throughout my youth-life. During my leisure time you will find me in church trying to work out to get the required keys for different songs, I am still learning how to play piano and I know as time goes by I will be among the experienced people.
6. One day you were a manager in one of Nyeri town's finest restaurants, go on... I first worked in MBUKA VENTURES LTD in Nakuru town as an agent after finishing my KCSE in January 2017 up to the month of May the same year when I left the job to join campus. In the year 2018 when I went for a long holiday God granted me another amazing job, I was employed as a supervisor in one of the finest restaurants, that is NYAMA CHOMA VILLAGE HOTEL in Nyeri town. I worked for five months until when I was forced to go back to school to continue with my studies.
7. What can’t you do without? For me, I just like music, I like hip hop and worship songs. I am addicted to songs that I always sleep the whole night when my radio is on just to listen to music. Also, when I am free I am always busy listening to music and even sometimes dancing alone in my house.
8. Tell about your wheels-V8 (bicycle)? I bought my bicycle due to my extreme passion in cycling, I gave it the name V8 since I have faith that I will drive one of my best cars. My dream car is a Land cruiser V8 which I believe I will drive in future. I have been using my bicycle for exercises and as a means of transport when going to school.
9. How is your AFLEWO experience? I had a nice experience in AFLEWO 2018. I was introduced to AFLEWO by our Youth Coordinator Mr. Martin Muthee, where he paid for my registration fee. AFLEWO mission was to pursue in worship through annual events of worship through music and prayers. I learned a lot; not only worshiping but also striving to be people whose hope is in Jesus and for a united church across Africa.
10. When are you ever serious? Most people know me as a joker, comedian and not ever serious, mostly in church. It is true but sometimes I am always serious like when I am in school and like the time I was a supervisor in a restaurant. But when I am in church and meet with my best friends, I can’t be able to hide that joy. I am always happy and I am always glad of that, but the worst is when I am at home, only my mum and dad knows…
11. Can you call yourself the modern magnet (ladies man)? It is interesting that you will find out that most people call me ladies’ man or that I am more social with ladies, not only in school but even in church. It is true; I am always social with most of the ladies who are my friends. I started socializing well with ladies and knowing how good most of them were when I was in high school where ladies voted for me as the smartest and disciplined man in high school, I was very astonished for being elected with more than 70% votes. From that day I had a positive attitude towards ladies. Also, in high school I was one of the best in Mathematics and you would find out that most of the times ladies were the only ones who came to benefit from my skills. This made me have more ladies as my friends more than the men. To make it worse, about 65% of my friends are ladies who always want to know how I am doing on daily basis. Most people have a negative attitude towards the friendship of the opposite sex, but that is not always correct you have to know how to stay with everybody.
12. What keeps you going and smiling? Friends who are always the best and have a wide impact in my life always make me smile. Also, my sister and my three brothers always make me fill ‘surely I am a great person in the society’; without forgetting my lovely parents. It is true that the environment surrounding you will always affect you, and surely these are the important people in my life that make me smile always.
13. What do you do to refresh and relax? Most of the times I like reading novels. Currently I am reading the Black Rabbit Summer by Kelvin Brooks. I also like playing piano and listening to my favourite songs when I am free and relaxing.
14. You call yourself the chief/the master of keys? It is very interesting when you achieve what you want, mostly your passion. I like playing piano, so it is very interesting to achieve what I want, like mastering keys. I am always busy learning those keys and mastering them effectively. The achievements make me see myself as a master of those keys.
15. What do you feel the ACK family should do to win more lives to Christ? The best thing as a Christian or true follower of Christ is to be a good role model to many, mostly for those who are surrounding us so that when we approach them when spreading the good news of Christ, we may win their souls to Christ. Also we must socialize with them like when we are having any activity like hikes we invite them. We should not be tired of bringing more souls to Christ as we are the chosen Christian today to serve.
16. What is your favourite of scripture? My favourite scripture is in the book of Psalms 113:1-3, where it talks about unity in Christ. It is my favourite scripture since I like people who are always working together and in unity as required by Christ since we are one body in Christ.
17. What is your 2019 resolution to the work of Christ? I ask our Almighty God to give me power and strength towards serving Him in the year 2019 by spreading the gospel mostly through songs and also to win more souls to Christ. Also, to be able to serve Him perfectly in truth and spirit.
19. What is your parting words and message to the ACK youths? My words to them as one of the members, is that, we should take Christianity seriously and be ready to serve Christ without fear. We should foster unity among church members and also outside, like when in school or in jobs for those who are working. Also, since we are still young and energetic, we should develop a culture of worship and praise among Christians all over. This would bring hope to many Christians and others who have not yet received Christ hence achieving our goals as youths towards serving Christ since that is our main objective in Church.
Dedo with the AFLEWO 2018 members from the Cathedral
Interviewed By: Eustace Muthui.
Youth of the Month: February 2019
Youth of the Month: January 2019
Youth of the Month: October 2018
Youth of the Month: August/September 2018
Youth of the Month: May 2018
Youth of the Month: Jan-April 2018
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