Burning Your Bridges Behind You

Burning Your Bridges Behind You

17 As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”  (Genesis 19:17)

Youth Service Sermon

Date: 12/01/2020

Preacher: Lay Reader Peter Karimi

Readings: Exodus 14:15-22; 1 John 5:6-9


During, a General known as Washington (General Washington) would instruct his army to burn the bridges they would cross as they advance in war. This was to discourage the soldiers from going back and also destroying a possible route for the enemy pursuing them.


1. No looking back

God instructed Lot and his family not to look back as they were leaving Soddom and Gomorrah. We are all born sinners and live in sin. However, when we meet Christ we're expected to look back no more but to focus on the future with Christ; focusing on eternal life. You're not fit for the Kingdom of God if you look back to sin after giving your life to Christ.

Luke 9:62 New International Version (NIV)

62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

2. The tragedy of looking back

Looking back is dangerous. Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt after looking back. Looking back also wrongly influences others. As you walk in Christ many people are looking at you and draw testimonies about Christ. If you turn back you'll drive the wrong impression into their minds. When you look back you'll also meet the enemy and he'll devour you. You will be walking back to sin. Therefore; fear not, stand still, see the salvation of God.

3. Burn your bridges
There's no going back to the sinful ways. Burn the bridges that connected you to sin. The groups, habits, places, and any other thing that connected you to sin should be burned down so that you can focus on eternal life. When you give your life to Christ, do not leave any chance of going back to the dark days. Burn those bridges.


Posted 2020-01-13 19:03:37 | 312
Posted by Fred Barasa Makokha Fred Barasa Makokha Admin