Remember Your Creator in Your Youth

Remember Your Creator in Your Youth

Youth is a powerful and active stage of life yet so short. Remember your creator while in this stage. There will come a time when you'll not be able to do most of the youthful things you do now.


Rev. Florence Wanjohi (Rtd)
Nov 2018
ACK St. Peters Cathedral, Nyeri: Youth Church
Eccl. 12:1-8


Be Happy in Your Youth

When you are young, be happy and remember your creator. Do all the good things you can do while a youth. Sing to the Lord, serve Him, enjoy. There will come a time when you will have no pleasure in these things. You should utilize every season of your life well. As a youth, you have the energy and time that you can dedicate to serving God. Remember your God now.

Characteristics of Old Age
1. Hands trembling/shaking (Eccl 12:3a)
When you grow old, hands start shaking such that holding an item becomes difficult. This is the time when the 'keepers of the house tremble' (Eccl 12:3a), meaning that your hands tremble and you can no longer protect yourself. Before then, use your hands well now to serve the LORD.

2. Legs become weak (Eccl. 12:3b)
That time when 'the strong men stoop' (Eccl 12:3b): meaning that your legs which are now strong will become weak. You'll no longer be able to run fast or even dance or coordinate your feet. Why don't you dance for the LORD now? Why don't you jump for the LORD now? Use your strong legs now.

3. Teeth falling off (Eccl. 12:3c)
A time is coming when your 'grinders will cease...' (Eccl. 12:3c). That is, your teeth will fall off, becoming too few to chew. That's the time you will have problems chewing and even speaking because saliva will fill your mouth. You can close your eyes and imagine that time when you'll have just about two teeth. Well, why don't you remember your LORD now that you have the full 32 strong teeth!

4. Eyes growing dim (Eccl. 12:3d)
'...and those looking through the windows grow dim,' (Eccl. 12:3b). These are your eyes at old age; they will grow dim and you will have problems seeing clearly. That's the time you'll be putting your Bible closer to your eyes to read clearly. Now that you are not there, use your good sight to read the Bible well and see that which glorifies the LORD.

5. Becoming afraid of heights (Eccl. 12:5a)
That time is coming '...when men are afraid of heights and of dangers in the streets,' (Eccl 12:5a). That time when you can't climb high places and look down; that time when you can't walk the streets alone. Serve your LORD now before that time comes knocking on your door.

6. Hair growing white (Eccl. 12:5b)
When you age your dark hair will grow white. You will not be able to have the beauty you enjoy now. So remember your creator now.

7. Desire disappears (Eccl. 12:5c)
That time is coming when '...desire is no longer stirred,' (Eccl. 12:5c). You will have no pleasure in almost everything you enjoy now. You know the way you lose interest in some types of music as you grow? That's the same way you'll lose appetite in youthful pleasures. And you know what follows all these? '...Then man goes to his eternal home and mourners go about the streets' (Eccl. 12:5d). '...and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit to God who gave it.' (Eccl. 12:5d). Now! Now! Use your youthfulness to the Glory of God!

Still a youth? Do these...
1. Join the choir. If you cannot sing well, you can make
joyful noise unto the Lord.
2. Teach the Sunday school.
3. Do the readings in the church, your eyes can see well.
4. Collect the offertory, you have strong legs and hands.
5. Go out to preach.
6. Do so much more while you can.


Posted 2018-11-20 13:52:44 | 393
Posted by Fred Barasa Makokha Fred Barasa Makokha Admin