Dreams and Dream Killers

Dreams and Dream Killers

A true dream is not fulfilled immediately, if it so happens then it was not a dream.

Preacher: Ven. Njakai (Archdeacon, Mweiga Archdeaconry; Vicar, Ruring'u Parish).

Theme: Be Transformed.

Lesson: Dreams and Dream Killers.

Date: 9th August 2018.

Place: Cathedral Archdeaconry camp at Ihururu Academy.

Genesis 37: Joseph's Dreams


A dream is an idea; a cherished aspiration. A dream is something you want to achieve in the future. Joseph, in the Bible, had dreams. From a young age, he dreamt of greatness. Even though he was the last born in Jacob's family, he dreamt of being the greatest. His elder brothers despised him, but he held on until he achieved the dreams. We can learn several lessons from Joseph's dreams. (1) They did not happen immediately. A dream is not fulfilled immediately, it takes time. (2) He went through several challenges before achieving the dreams. He was sold in Egypt where he also faced temptations and jailed. However, he held on and achieved his dreams. The problem with most of us is that we are not patient enough to wait. You should wait for the appointed time when the dream will be realized (Habbakuk 2:3). You should also persevere with the challenges that come along. Do not be bent by them, stay strong like Joseph until you achieve your dreams.

Dream Killers

The following are the killers of our dreams;

  1. Negativity; That thought of 'I can't', 'It is impossible'. You should live a positive life. Be optimistic.
  2. Doubt; Being unsure whether you want that dream or not; whether you can achieve it or not. The thing is if you cannot trust it then you better leave it.
  3. Fear; Being afraid of pursuing your dream(s), maybe due to the costs involved or the kind of people it is associated with. Come on; do not fear, go for it.
  4. Procrastination: Saying that you will do it tomorrow. Postponing until the dream dies prematurely. What is to be done today should be done today.
  5. Others: education (lack of, or inadequate - depending on the dream), bad health, pride, early marriage, drugs...


  1. Check on your spirituality; resist the devil, he can hinder the realization of your dream(s). Strengthen your relationship with God, He will help you achieve your dream(s).
  2. Check on your self-esteem. Stay positive; stand tall.
  3. Never lose hope.

I have a dream, I'll work towards its full realization.

Posted 2018-08-14 11:46:31 | 420
Posted by Fred Barasa Makokha Fred Barasa Makokha Admin