Do Not Be Broken From Outside

Do Not Be Broken From Outside

If you break an egg from outside, that's the end of it; however, if the egg breaks from inside it brings forth a new life.

Preacher: Rev. Ayub (Vicar, Chaka Parish).

Theme: Be Transformed.

Lesson: Do Not Be Broken From Outside.

Date: 9th August 2018.

Place: Cathedral Archdeaconry camp at Ihururu Academy.

Romans 12:2

An egg contains life within it, but if it is broken from the outside, it ends up being eaten or the yolk spilling, and that's its end. However, when it breaks from inside during hatching, a chick comes out and new life is brought forth. The same applies to the life of a person, especially a young person. When you are with full potential then someone breaks you from outside through discouragement, you may end up failing in life. When you believe that you can achieve something then another person tells you that it is impossible to achieve it, you'll be tempted to believe that you cannot achieve the dream. You would have been broken from outside and that will be your end, you will abandon the dream. Therefore, do not accept to be broken from the outside.

Think of the many times when someone discouraged you from doing something that you were passionate about. The successful people tell you that it is very difficult to achieve what they have achieved. A person builds a good house but when you ask them for advice to build yours, they say you need a lot of money, way more than you can afford. Do not conform to the ideas given by such people. As a transformed person with a renewed mind, be optimistic and work towards achieving your dreams, with the help of God.

However, there are times when someone who knows better can give you good advice. For instance, a parent can give advice based on their experience. Even though people, especially young people, tend to know so much and hate being challenged, it is good to listen to such good pieces of advice. Discern and pick that which is good for you. Do not allow the world to confuse and stress you by taking you back and forth. Do not conform to its patterns, with a renewed mind, come up with ideas (breaking from the inside) and pursue them to the end. In everything you do, be yourself, do not allow negative influence to break you.


A by the way: When you're stressed, eat, eat, eat so that you can reason well!

Posted 2018-08-11 22:32:49 | 379
Posted by Fred Barasa Makokha Fred Barasa Makokha Admin