Seven deadly sins #2

Seven deadly sins #2

*The seven deadly sins*
*2. Greed*
Avarice, greed, concupiscence, and so forth are all based on the mathematical truism that the more you get, the more you have. The remark of Jesus that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 2:35) is based on the human truth that the more you give away in love, the more you are. It is not just for the sake of other people that Jesus tells us to give rather than get, but for our own sakes too.

Greed is the desire for inordinate amount of personal possession or status. 
Greed uses others for our personal gain in spite of any harm this manipulation may cause them.
Putting possessions in place of God

Being ambitious and disdaining morality, the law or the rights of others

Pursuing status, material possessions, reputation or power

Believing that all’s fair in competition and, thus, becoming ruthless and unjust

Being too possessive or protective of our children, spouse or friends

Being self-centered

Refusing to set boundaries

Avoiding conflict by not correcting or disciplining children for fear they will not love us

Deliberately engaging others in illegal or unethical activities

Manipulating others (which is control) to do our will through threat of physical violence, withdrawal of affection, cajoling or whining.

Letting control and power be motivating forces in our lives

Being too eager to give advice or possess authority 

Attempting to have others in debt to us so we can exert power

Using flattery, gifts, favoritism or even covert bribery to win support, affection or authority

Backing down from personal standards or refusing to be involved with or defend people of lesser means or position

Fearing  being  stigmatized  by  leaders  or  wealthy

Being dishonest by stealing or fencing stolen goods, cheating on exams, falsifying records or evading taxes

Being narcissistic

Believing we are entitled to something because of who we are

Being wasteful of possessions, talent or natural resources

Living beyond our income in order to impress others or sustain our present standard of living


Gambling in such a way that gambling controls us

Intriguing or conspiring

Borrowing, sponging, weaseling, or playing on the good will of others in order not to use our own money, time, or talent

Being stingy or being indifferent to the homeless and hungry

Failing to teamwork in our workplace or at home.


Posted 2018-08-02 06:23:00 | 423
Posted by Brian Kipkemboi Maru Brian Kipkemboi Maru Member