The seven deadly sins

*The seven deadly sins*
*1. ENVY*
_Envy is the consuming desire to have every-body else as unsuccessful as you are._
Envy is being dissatisfied with our lives, talents and fits and fo- using on the circumstances of another ’s life. Jealousy. 
Envy begrudges some- one their status, material possessions or the relationships and good will that they have earned  others in the community.

Actively trying to dissuade others from admiring or accepting anyone who is the focus of our envy or setting up an unfair rivalry or competition with that person.
Being happy and satisfied when bad fortune befalls another.
Belittling and planting seeds of doubt about another ’s character.

Devising ways of destroying some- one, sometimes with a long range plan.
Being dissatisfied with our physical,emotional, intellectual and spiritual selves.
Being unwilling to be content with our station or lot in life.
A person can become our flash point for an obsession.
We encourage criticism and antagonism against the person through sarcasm, teasing or cutting him/her down.
Envy can be masked as contempt for a person’s culture, position and talents or for someone who is in authority over us.
2...... tommorow 

Posted 2018-08-01 07:10:21 | 381
Posted by Brian Kipkemboi Maru Brian Kipkemboi Maru Member