
Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to st.peters cathedral youth group,i must say that you are special people created by God to fullfill his divine purpose.

This leaves us with several questions.

Why was I created?

And if I know why I was created, am I living to my calling pleasing my maker?

We must know that God created human to have relationship with him,although Adam and eve broke the relationship God never gave up on his mission to bring human close to him and that's why he gave a sacrifice once and for all for remission of our sins through sacrificing his only son.

I urge all of us to think on sacrifice and cost that was made for our freedom, that the blood of sheep and goats was not able to deliver us.It is a great cost to ignore salvation.


Posted 2017-11-28 16:49:26 | 387
Posted by Martin muthee Gatimu Martin muthee Gatimu Member